First and foremost I need to thank God who is the author of life, and his Son whom He sent as a sacrifice for my wretchedness.   Also I feel the Holy Spirit get’s way too little credit in these thanks things, and for being God’s liaison here on earth he deserves a whopping thank you!  Any being who can put up with the collective crap of the entire world absolutely needs to be recognized, so Holy Spirit, thank you!   
I want to thank my gorgeous wife and our beautiful son.  Without the support of my incredible family there would be no way for this to be possible!  I love how much Michelle and I have in common, and with music being a huge part of our lives, it was no surprise to see how excited she was for me for this opportunity.  Michelle is the love of my life and the inspiration for anything I do, everything I am and strive to be is for her.
Any thanks would be incomplete without thanking mom, she let me “borrow” her acoustic guitar for the 13 years I’ve been playing and has been very gracious about it!  Also, she’s the one who inspired me to play and encouraged me to pursue music when I was just a little guy.  Also she loved me, fed me, changed my poopy diapers (a LOOOONG time ago) and continues to support me and family today. Thanks mom!
Thanks to my dad, though he is no longer with us, his impact on my life is nothing short of sustaining.  I will forever strive to live up to the incredible standard he set with his life.  His love for God and his family, as well as his dedication to a life of integrity will forever be a guide for me to live my life by.
I also want to thank my other family members, my sister for putting up with my loud guitar in the next room and my feeble attempts to sing.  Thanks to my new family, my mother and father in-laws who I consider my spiritual mentors.  All my brothers and sisters in-laws… there are many (Sara, Isaac, Faith, Charissa, Titus, Felicity and Kendra, whom I never had the pleasure of meeting but am looking forward to seeing in heaven)
My second family, thanks to Tom and Myrna for helping raise and feed and house me.  To John for being such a cool little brother (stay out of trouble) and Sara for being such a great little sister!
Thanks to all my friends, a couple of best friends (anyone whose anyone is going to have more than just one “best friend”) Rick, who I haven’t seen in over a year but I know when he’s done helping people in Haiti we’ll back hanging out like he never left.  Donnie, who I haven’t seen in over 3 years, but I look forward to chillin when you’re done serving our country in Hawaii… must be tough.  Brent, whose busy being a new daddy but when things get less hectic I look forward to hitting the mountains again with, Ben whose helped me kick our wife’s collective butts in a game to 100 wins in Pinochle.
Finally I want to thank the band, thanks for letting me in the family, I look forward to this adventure we are embarking on!
To anyone else I may have left out… it’s not because I forgot you, it’s because this is already way to long, I tend to be pretty long-winded as you can see.  Also, thanks to any current and future fans, we look forward to seeing you at our shows!